Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I look up at the early evening sky, and all I see is approaching darkness, infiltrated by the haze of a city full of life. A fast moving world inhabited by grown-ups, serious people and children being groomed to be the same. My gaze turns towards a tall building and I see something sneaking from behind it. My thoughtfully pursed lips turn into a happy smile at the memory of the moon from a while ago.

The recent book I finished, spoke about the important things in life, which were all something we had forgotten in our race for survival in this fast paced world.
We forget to understand why we’re really here. In the words of the author, to tame the world.

Staring at the moon, my gaze turns to the millions of people in this city who look at the moon and for a second marvel at its shining brilliance and then resume being consumptions of an ever hungry monster named life.
But when I stare at the moon, it talks to me of a memory. A silent gaze out of a room window in a foreign land. The most special part of that memory was that it was shared with my best friend.
Ever tried sitting and gazing at nature’s brilliance in absolute silence, broken only to ponder loudly what your mind says about the spectacle before you? No?? I strongly suggest you do it. With your best friend, loved one, a child or someone of extremely significant importance in your everyday life. Contemplations of this level not only make you admire the Almighty’s art, but they will be stored in your mind’s inner eye forever.

I don’t see my best friend so often, but never a day passes when I don’t think about the time I did. Just like the protagonist of the book, I’ve come to realize that looking at the moon, is a happy and generous reminder of a fact that out there somewhere, there is a pair of eyes which sees me in the most special light. Way out there is a heart which is glad that I’m alive. Just like you are glad that your loved ones, your family is alive and probably with you….This will but last for a brief spell, as life can yell “CUT” anytime. So instead of thinking of the past which is filled with remorse, and the future which is filled with unparalleled hope, the moon’s light roots me in the present, and I sit smiling and look into the mirror of my soul, and thank the Almighty for everything I have, for everything I had, and everything I will have. But most of all right now, Gratitude is infinite for MY Rose.