Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bounce !!!

Let’s zip back into a nostalgic mode for a moment. Think of all the games you played when you were a kid. Don’t be shy. From the most enjoyable moments of Hide n Seek, to the silliest games you made up, like house or catch-your-nose-n-turn-round-n-round (No idea what that game is).
One of my favourite things to do back when I was a kid was to jump up n down on a springy bouncy bed. I remember a few of my friends had these beds in their home which was entirely made up of bouncy springs. I mean, I can imagine the boinginess of it even now. And we’ve spent many many evenings just bouncing and giggling at the whole big deal.

To the grown ups, it was a silly childish act which would result in the ruining of the bed springs.

To us, it was a game. A game where you jump, feel weightless when you reach your peak altitude, and drop like a rock and hit the springy surface only to be pushed again. When you do this in tandem, or with three or four partners of different height and weight, it results in mis-timing on someone’s part. That means when you hit the surface and take off, someone would just hit the surface, loose their balance and tumble. More often than not, the tumble would be in multi-dimension. Hands on one side, head the other, legs absent. I needn’t tell you the quality of the uproarious laughter that would result in. And then you fall laughing, and still keep bouncing.

The whole deal would go on until we tired. Upon which it would mean a run to the fridge, gulp water, and back. Boredom was science fiction when you had the most simples of toys and an imagination stretching beyond infinity.

Of course having someone to share the moment with just multiplied the fun.

So when today I felt cheery in the morning, I realized I want to Bounce. Sitting on your chair and bouncing is so lame it isn’t even funny. I miss the beds or trampolines at the amusement parks. And I realize, once again, growing up in age has resulted in me losing out on such enormous amount of fun and never ending laughter.

Thinking from a grown up’s point of view as well, jumping up and down on a trampoline or Re-Bounding is a major cardio-vascular exercise. Supposedly, an hour’s rebounding burns more calories than jogging. And its less harmful to the joints and mood. In fact, get a partner and you could laugh through it. Laughter would induce more endorphins, the feel good hormone. And Voila, you have lower stress levels, higher energy, more calorie burn and most importantly, FUPER FUN !!!!!

So stop acting all grown up, and if you feel happy and you know, Jump and Bounce :D



- H

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Smile Here n Now...